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01.03.24 16:24
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Почта myfeel6969@gmail.com
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Я би уни. tsarzverey77@mail.ru, Телега @AngelSex142, Скайп tsarzverey77@mail.ru


dfbjthdf 35 yo
Astrological sign:
I am looking for a
  • Man
Preferred age
from 30 to 60 yo
Interested in
  • Friendship and chat
  • Love and relationships
  • Regular sex partner
  • Virtual sex
  • Photo and video exchange
Marital status
Material support
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Own automobile
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Not specified
Privet . A ocen' lublu seks , mne hocetsa naiti partnera dla vstrec , lublu raznoobrazie . No blin a ne prostitutka i ne sumassedsaa ... s kem popalo . Idioty kotorye srazu na vstrecu zovut nafig ne nuzny . Tak kak takih sotni . I mne hodit' tratit' vrema pozoritsa ni k cemu . Zelausih pere... mnozestvo , vot muzcin edinicy . Muzcina v moem ponimanii eto tot kotoryi mozet zainteresovat' zensinu , a ne privet posli na kofe . Ili u mena clen takoi posli na vstrecu . Takze ocen' besat ludi esli govoris' cto nuzno poznakomitsa uznat' ... ...a . A ono tipa zanatoe obsat'sa net u nego vremeni ,po etomu vstrecu podavai . Ne lublu lgunov . Sidet' godami na takom saite vrema est', a poznakomitsa normal'no vremeni net (mozgov net ) . Hamy i naglecy takze ne interesny .po tipu- S kogogo ty raiona , pokazi svoe foto , sdelai foto bez odezdy , otsoses' i v etom rode . Esli zensina zahocet seba pokazat' ili infu pro seba dat' , to ona sama predlozit . Znakomstvo i seks eto proishodit oboudno.

Gifts (4)

2022-12-25 00:44:44
2022-10-05 19:04:32
Zhena2 76/73
2022-09-13 16:09:38
2022-09-10 09:33:52

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Viva The King of Sex

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