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07.04.15 09:37
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Предложения с переходом в Вотсап-Скайп посмотреть как вы там кончаете - автоматом в чёрный список! Задрали.
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Мужчину для обусловленных, дискретных встреч. Обсуждение в тг
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Кто отправит на шоколадку отблагодарю даже 💗💗💗 С Моим Днём Рождения меня любимую 🥳🥳🥳


formula61 63 yo
Astrological sign:
I am looking for a
  • Woman
  • Couple
Preferred age
from 18 to 80 yo
Interested in
  • Friendship and chat
  • Love and relationships
  • Marriage and family
  • One-night stands
  • Regular sex partner
  • Virtual sex
  • Photo and video exchange
Marital status
Material support
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Own automobile
Prefer not to say
  • English
Always new by rea... of memory loss! *-)

I am a Hispanic (fluent in English and Spanish), clean, sincere, educated, retired (due to injuries), discreet and very open minded married white male, was born **DEC**. Am *'*" tall, weigh *** lbs, have brown eyes, and salt & pepper hair. Have an easy going attitude, am non-judgmental, and believe in "Live and Let Live".

I don't want to touch anyone or anyone's wife aside from the occasional handshake or normal greeting. Have previous swin...g experience that dates back to when I was not married between ****-** (while I attended & graduated from UF, and when I was in the Navy).

If you write me, and I don't respond right away....I love making friends, and I always try to be courteous while being naughty. What some of you don't know about me is that among some of my other spinal injuries from an accident in the year ****, is that I have a closed head injury, and subsequent memory loss.

Most of the time I remember faces, and other stuff! So if you write me, and it takes me a little while to answer, am not ignoring you. It just happens that until I log on and read a reply or see a post from someone, that's when I will reply back.

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Viva The King of Sex

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