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05.07.23 21:12
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люблю девочек сосалочек
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tg @Noilol
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Мария 45 yo
Astrological sign:
I am looking for a
  • Man
Preferred age
from 35 to 50 yo
Interested in
  • Friendship and chat
  • Love and relationships
  • Regular sex partner
Marital status
Material support
Not looking for a sponsor and not willing to become one
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Own automobile
Prefer not to say
Not specified
Polnaa, simpaticnaa, ne glupaa....
Nadeus' na znakomstvo s interesnym muzcinoi. Interesuut raznostoronnie otnosenia.
Razovyi seks, a tak ze virt - ne predlagat'!
ZENATYE MUZCINY - NE PISITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Resila dopolnit' perepiskoi s odnim iz mestnyh zitelei:
Piset ONO...hocu seksa.
Otvecau - a toze, no do nego ese doiti nado i mne ne vse ravno s kem.... kak po povodu svidania, sokolad, frukty, sampanskoe... pogovorit'-poznakomit'sa....?
Na cto mne otvetili - na eto u mena net deneg, i voobse, tut sait dla seksa, a vy pro konfety mne pisite...)))
Horoso, togda k prostitutkam, tam konfety ne nuzny
Govorit - ne podhodit - im platit' nado.
Nu ne obnagleli li vy???
Nadezdy pocti ne ostalos', no vse ze, esli ese ostalsa odin adekvatnyi muzcina, kogo interesuut normal'nye-celoveceskie vzaimootnosenia, prosu ego naitis'!

Gifts (4)

Anonymous gift
2020-08-11 15:39:23
Anonymous gift
2020-08-10 18:52:13
2019-12-27 10:13:34
От души
2019-03-02 11:49:28
С весной!

Photos (1)


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The owner has restricted access to their profile.

Viva The King of Sex

Rules 00:07:31

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