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Serjio77777 43 yo
Serjio77777 40 yo
Astrological sign:
Astrological sign:
Looking for
  • Woman
  • Couple
  • Couple F+F
Preferred age
from 18 to 40 yo
Interested in
  • Friendship and chat
  • One-night stands
  • Regular sex partner
  • Group Sex
  • Photo and video exchange
  • Swinger sex
Marital status
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Material support
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Own automobile
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  • English
  • Русский
Privetik, Obvorozitel'naa Neznakomka!))) Daze ne somnevaus', cto obvorozitel'naa!!!))) My tak davno isem teba!))) My, eto dva ...a slavanskoi vnesnosti 33 i 35 let. Dobrye, polozitel'nye, cistoplotnye, ne zadnye, s cuvstvom umora!))))) Vsu organizaciu vstreci my voz'mem na seba! My opytny v takih vstrecah, tak cto teba ne razocaruem!))) Budem delikatnymi, neznymi i vnimatel'nymi k tebe!) Kak pokazyvaet praktika!) Devuska/Zensina ne s prosta vybiraet takoi format vstreci, kak MZM!!!))) Eto osnovyvaetsa na elementarnom nedostausem vnimanii so storony muzcin!!! Ee cel', pocuvstvovat' seba zensinoi, okruzennoi vnimaniem, zabotoi i polnotoi udovletvorennosti!!! V etot vecer, ona hocet osusat' seba korolevoi!!!)))) S uverennost'u mogu tebe skazat'!!! Cto eto vse my tebe garantiruem!!!))) My peredadim tebe ves' nas nakopivsiisa opyt s polna! My stanem dla teba ne prosto partnerami, a druz'ami po zizni!)) Eto budet, nasim malen'kim mirom! O kotorom vsem znat' ne obazatel'no!!!)))

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  • 2017-10-09 09:49:24

    Какая замануха)

Viva The King of Sex

Rules 01:55:54

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