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2015-02-10 05:58:58
2013-08-04 11:46:25
2012-11-24 22:04:47
2012-11-18 19:37:16
absolutly beautiful
2012-09-30 21:01:55
2012-09-29 18:01:44
2012-09-02 07:41:58
2012-08-30 09:02:30
Sakit Pingagng atau Low Back Pain (LBP) adalah rasa nyeri yang terjadi di daerah pinggang bagian bawah dan dapat menjalar ke kaki
2012-08-29 16:04:18
q ci madiun
2012-08-28 13:25:20
2012-08-21 13:01:18
hai chuby...maen yuu
2012-07-19 15:25:53
hi, how are you? do you have Skype? my Skype is amr-rai add me please
2012-07-14 12:43:13
hi,, :)
2012-06-06 04:16:22
very nice
2012-05-04 15:17:35
tuh bulu mantap bener...
pin... gue jilat ja tuh...
2012-05-04 03:44:44
am saad from iraq 50 yers old a lawyer loking for a sexy women to mared her pls emale me as..
2012-04-19 16:31:24
2012-02-21 11:57:57
2012-02-17 11:11:39
хочешь напиши пообщаемся
2012-02-09 14:37:04
hi, how are you? my Skype is amr-rai,, do you have Skype?