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1 20 of 100
Анкетам БЕЗ ФОТО- НЕ ОТВЕЧАЮ, не тратьте время. Телеграмм НЕТ.
1 20 of 100
я Sex Wife ) кто еще в теме ?) если не сложно - монетки для поднятия анкеты )
1 20 of 100
1 20 of 100
Ищу встречи с двумя адекватными, чистоплотными мужчинами.
1 20 of 100
Да, чеченки тоже любят ебаться во все дырки сосать и лизать)
1 20 of 100
1 20 of 100
Люблю отчёты на мои фото
1 20 of 100
чего то хочется а кого не знаю
1 20 of 100
Только Девочки пишите, не стесняйтесь!

thecaptn31 Self-portrait

thecaptn 40 yo


Your favorite sex positions
Being rode, or her feet crossed at my chest, so I can get deep and pound till she squirts again and again
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
My best friend, and his girl, don't like the sword fighting
Your top sexual fantasy
Two sexy squirting girls, that don't want to stop
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
Yes, I don't have one, I'm single
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
Not specified
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
Only lived here, would love to go to Brazil
What do you do in your spare time?
When I'm not working, then I'm with my kids, if not with them, "me" time
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
Good personality, and nice thighs and ass
What hobbies do you have?
I fish, and rollerblade, outdoorsy
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life
Not specified

Viva The King of Sex

Rules 00:45:34

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