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только девушки и пары
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Мамочка, жена в свободных отношениях) с приездом +/- отъездом нас ! кисс кисс ***
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Всем добрго, ласкового, страстного и незабываемого секса =)))

aliamar Self-portrait

aля aka alia the amazon 43 yo


Your favorite sex positions
34 1/2, 69 upside down, doggy, suspension, tied v (angle with tied opened up legs), crab, dolfin, lustful leg, cowgirl and reverse cowgirl, hook, lock, monkey, indrany, balance, plow, craddle, split bamboo, valiant, throne, hook, crux, lotus, waterfall, balancing squat, snail, side y, shoulderstand & handstand, reverse slip and ca. 30 add poses with usage of bdsm tools / 34 1/2, 69 вверх ногами (вертикально), по-собачьи, в подвесе, связанная v (уголок с раздвинутыми ногами и привязанными ногами), мостик, дельфин, развратная нога, наездница и обратная наездница, крюк, замок, обезьяна, индрари, равновесие, плуг, тачка, расщепленный бамбук, героиня, трон, крюк, крест, лотос, водопад, балансирующее приседание, улитка, боковой y, стойка на плечах и на руках, возвратное скольжение и еще ок. 30 поз, использующих бдсм станки и инстументы
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
sex on the cross, on the rack, in course of flogging, hanging, suspension on the fish hook, under ice, on crane boom, in time of skydiving, on the tightrope, on the bad of nails, on the mast of sailer, on the top of moving car, on the horseback, on the rafting beams, in the disciplinary lock-up, coffin, buried under ground, in burning house, under fire, also sex with stallion, donkey, by means of serpent, vast gangbang with 32 players of noth sexex, fucking marathon for 52 hours (with pauses)
Your top sexual fantasy
Not specified
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
novelty / новизны
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
Not specified
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
usa, uk, norwey, sweden, poland, germany, austria, georgia,
What do you do in your spare time?
Not specified
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
Not specified
What hobbies do you have?
Not specified
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life
Not specified

Viva The King of Sex

veicode 28

Rules 01:24:31

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