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Ебливая семейка. Хотим интересного общения без табу. Только реальный опыт
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Люблю когда лижут клитор и снимают на видео и выкладывать сюдая, трахают пизду мою
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Event777Horizont Self-portrait

Vitalij 54 yo


Your favorite sex positions
Chtobi bilo udobno.
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
V Sovetskoj Armiji nekotorije sovokuplialis c oslami. Menia eto minovalo. No teoreticheskij opit est. Mogu rasskazat texniku.
Your top sexual fantasy
Chtobi zenshina obaldela ot udovolstvija. Nu i tufli na kablukax, krasivie jubki, nizneje beljo i t. d.
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
Otzivcivosti i schastja, chto ocen vazno.
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
Puteshestvije dusi, Ring World, Robert Allan Monroe, Sciense fiction and dokumentary, Event Horizon, Ekipaz, Jeki Chan, Peklo, Aerosmith, Elis Cooper, Nigtwish, Modern Talking, Bad Boys Blue
I mnogoe drugoe.
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
Bil v ochen mnogix stranax, Kontinenti: Evrazija, Afrika, Severnaja i Juznaja Amerika, Antarktida. Porti Islandiji i Japoniji.
V Rossiji davno ne bil, v stranax SNG.
What do you do in your spare time?
Sport, chtenije, filmi, ribalka, strelba ne glazami, priroda.
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
Dobrozelatelnost, chestnost, umenije najti compromiss v spornix voprosax. I krasotu vo vneshnosti i postupkax.
What hobbies do you have?
Rabota i vse chem otdixaju
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life
Poka navernoe ne bilo, esli jeshe ne umer i nadejus na radost.
Radost eto rozdenije rebenka, eshe bolshaja radost esli on budet schastliv v zizni.

Viva The King of Sex


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